02 November, 2010

snail gazing... (the joy of two year olds)

snail gazing, originally uploaded by summer pickles.

WARNING! Another non-crafting related post!

We had an exciting moment in our backyard the other day when we found a snail.

The gherkin wasn't sure if it might be a turtle? or a snake? He was rapt. So he took up a front-row spot to watch, lying on his tummy on the (very cold!) concrete for ages, giving me plenty of time to grab the camera, and take about a gazillion photos from a thousand angles.

I was thinking just how beautiful he is, how I give him too much of a hard time most of the time (over the tantrums, kicking, thumping little pickle etc). And reminding myself that he is after all, only just two, and such a loving and gentle boy.

Such a beautiful moment.

Right up until the point that he stoned the snail to death.

Poor snail.


(ps. I guess I should not have been surprised about how this interaction went, as it did follow what is becoming an all too familiar pattern of many of our interactions - from adoration/joy to destruction/despair! Ah, two year olds!)

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to my other half who puts up with the mess, makes me happy and keeps me sane.
to my beautiful boys who give me so much i want to remember and make the everyday something to treasure.
to my mum who alway let me play with fabric and the good scissors, and who knows a lot of songs.
to my dad who was always happy for us to make a mess and who laughs at us when we deserve it.
to both parents for making sure i still got the work done.
to my dear friends for listening and for sharing the laughs.
and, to you for visiting!